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Our Ranch

Our Story


The indigenous ancestors recognized that this Echo Valley, at the convergence of four distinct geographic locations was special, and were drawn here by the life-giving springs. They were intimately connected to Mother Earth, able to feel the energy within the land, a sense many of us city dwellers have lost. But here in Echo Valley that connection is still strong and felt by all who visit this spiritual retreat in BC – an overall sense of wellness, peace and bliss – awakening wonder.

A man wearing a cowboy hat with two horses beside him eating grass
A big mountain behind Echo Valley Ranch Resort and Spa

Our Iconic Location

Nestled in the rugged Cariboo-Chilcotin region of British Columbia, our 160-acre ranch resides within a unique convergence of four distinct geographic zones, rich in history and culture. Here, the Secwepemc First Nations People have deep roots, and the legendary “Gold Rush Trail” unfolds.

Echo Valley Ranch offers a captivating blend of environments, including the Marble Mountains, the majestic Fraser River and Canyon Desert, the Cariboo Plateau Boreal Forest, and the Cariboo Grasslands. This remarkable tapestry of landscapes makes Echo Valley an unparalleled destination in British Columbia, teeming with diverse flora, fauna, and wildlife. It provides easy access to a range of gentle adventure activities, inviting you to immerse yourself in the wonder of this iconic place and reflect on the beauty of the natural world that surrounds you.

Marble Mountain

The Marble Mountains

These majestic peaks to the East provide a dramatic backdrop, showcasing fantastic views from almost anywhere on the ranch. The Marble Mountains are truly remarkable, their karst topography allows them to hold significant water reserves within their intricate system of caves, forming clear mountain springs. Sunset often turns the pale peaks a deep orange, a spectacle best enjoyed with a leisurely stroll after a farm-fresh dinner.

The Grand Canyon of the North

To the South-West lies the mighty Fraser Canyon, an iconic place to visit all on its own. A raw landscape of grassy benchlands along the longest river in BC, the Fraser River, intersected by deeply trenched gorges. This natural wonder is on the top of the list of places to visit in British Columbia for many. Some call it the Grand Canyon of the North, and you’ll see why. It offers a fascinating glimpse into the history of the Gold Rush. A 3,500-foot descent leads from boreal forests into the desert-like conditions of the canyon and it becomes clear that the brave souls navigating the river in search of gold in the 1850s were truly pioneers.

We respectfully acknowledge that the images of the Fraser Canyon depict the exclusive territory of the High Bar First Nation (HBFN).

Grand Canyon Getaway
An aerial view of a land covered in trees and spots of sunshine

The Cariboo Plateau

Bordering the Echo Valley ranch to the North-West is the boreal forest full of pines, spruce, fir, bushy ferns, and mossy tree stumps. A hike through the valley bottoms under the forested canopy will awaken your adventurous side. There is a lot to explore and our Border Collies make for excellent hiking companions during your forest adventures. Exploring the forests is equally exhilarating with a mountain bike. And a slow-paced forest bathing stroll will give you a chance to fully take in the awe-inspiring beauty of the land.

The Grasslands

Rolling hills and pastures – the grasslands to the South East of Echo Valley offer an abundance of opportunities to enjoy the breathtaking nature near the ranch. Walk, bike or hike – the possibilities are as diverse as the landscape. Here you can cross creeks, often filled with spawning fish, or catch a glimpse of Marsh Wrens, Yellow-Headed Blackbirds and Sandhill Cranes. The grasslands are also home to beautiful stands of aspens and a walk through the whispering trees is especially breathtaking in early fall.

Grassland surrounded by mountains


Echo Valley, an eco-luxury ranch, fosters a deep connection with nature, appealing to soft-adventure enthusiasts who value sustainability. We harmonize with the land, growing and sourcing much of our cuisine locally.

Our commitment to sustainability is affirmed by our Sustainable Tourism Gold Certification, aligning with global standards. We’ve pledged to the Sustainable Tourism 2030 initiative to improve our sustainability performance by 2030, recognizing the importance of economic, social, and environmental aspects in tourism.



We actively and conscientiously care for our land.


Continually seeking ways to operate with minimal carbon impact.


Practicing waste reduction in food acquisition and production.

Green grassland surrounded by forests
Waste Management Icon


  • Biodegradable sanitation system
  • Ranch-wide recycling / reuse program
  • Eliminating plastic bottles in favour of reusable metal bottles
  • Ranch-raised grass-fed beef
  • Organic ranch kitchen garden
Energy & Water Conservation Icon


  • Water-efficient fixtures and appliances
  • Energy-efficient lighting throughout
  • Self-sustaining geothermal systems for heating
  • Low-CO2 supplemental energy sources
  • Naturally sourced spring water
  • Electric car charging stations
Environmental & Social Initiatives Icon


  • Embrace cultural diversity and indigenous collaboration
  • Offer immersive nature experiences like Survival Spirit and Horse Harmony programs

We believe in fostering community and harmonious coexistence with nature, and we’re dedicated to sustainable and environmentally friendly practices.